Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week 15 Prompt

Library's are most notably seen as a place where books can be found, however with the change in thinking associated with what the roles of what libraries are, so too do our ideas of highlighting collections. When thinking about the best ways to market the library's fiction collection, there are a few different things that can be done. Below are three different methods that can be used to market the library's fiction:

  1. Monthly e-mail blast.  The OPAC that we use has an algorithm to suggest books for patrons based on various categories and likes that they originally provide. This email blast goes out to patrons who want to sign up for them and will contain five titles for each category that the patrons have signified that the enjoy. Most of these books are books that the library has acquired within the last 2-3 years making them up to date and titles that they might want to read. This option is something that is quick and takes minimal effort on the part of library staff. 

      2.  Bookmarks. The creation of bookmarks that highlight various genres, categories, and              
           popular titles is something that patrons will be able to take with them when they leave the         
           library and will be able to keep for awhile. We normally have these hanging out next to the        
           main desk which ensures that they are visible and readily available for the patrons. Most of      
           the time each bookmark includes 10-20 titles of books that the libraries have so into ensure
           that everyone has a chance to get to pick up a title in a timely manner. 

      3.  Displays. Displays can be a fun and creative approach to showcases what books the            
           libraries have. These are probably my favorite things to do, I get to release my creative             
           energy in making them, but also get to think about what books would good well with each        
           display. Often times the display matches some sort of theme that is timely with the months,        
           seasons, or holidays. This gives library staff the chance to show all aspects of the fiction              
           collection to ensure that the books are given a chance to be read. 


  1. Great prompt response with innovative and easy to implement ideas. Full points!

  2. Great ideas! I like the email one quite a bit!

  3. We are currently working on how to use provided emails. We would also like to use it to help promote our Friends group. The thought of too many emails in an email box has slowed the process. Some people just delete or don't want to sign up because of this.
